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Swimming is regarded as an ideal form of exercise Physical problems only really emerge as a result of competitive training, combined with heavy land training.

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Swimming Injuries


Over-use or repetitive microtrauma injuries such as swimmer’s shoulder and breast-stroke knee .


These two terms are just generalized names for a variety of injuries that can occur at the shoulder or knee joint because of the heavily repetitive nature of competitive swimming. This stress can be appreciated if you imagine a swimmer training 200-300 lengths per session, x 8+ sessions per week for eight months of the year – those arms certainly circle a lot of times! This is why efficient technique (with regular assessment) and even diet are vital to ensure a swimmer’s competitive career is as injury-free as possible.


Swimmer’s shoulder is more properly known as painful arc/ rotator cuff tendinitis, or shoulder impingement.


In swimmers, painful arc/rotator cuff pain in the shoulder can occur in any of the following movements: 


  • Abduction of the arm at the shoulder
  • When this movement is blocked
  • Flexion of the arm at the shoulder (when the extended arm is lifted out in front)
  • When this movement to left or right is blocked.

Tips To Prevent Swimming Injuries

Each swimming-related injuries are quite often treated in at A+OSM Clinic .

  • Always take time to warm up and stretch. Research studies have shown that cold muscles are more prone to injury. Warm up with jumping jacks, stationary cycling or running or walking in place for 3 to 5 minutes. Then slowly and gently stretch, holding each stretch for 30 seconds.
  • Learn how to swim and do not swim alone. Swim in supervised areas where lifeguards are present. Inexperienced swimmers should wear lifejackets in the water.
  • Do not attempt to swim if you are too tired, too cold, or overheated
  • Avoid diving into shallow water. Each year approximately 1,000 disabling neck and back injuries occur after people went headfirst into water which was shallow or too murky to see objects.
  • Swim in a pool only if you can see the bottom at the deepest point; check the shape of the full diving area to make sure it is deep enough.
  • Dive only off the end of a diving board. Do not run on the board, try to dive far out, or bounce more than once. Swim away from the board immediately after the dive, to allow room for the next diver. Make sure there is only one person on the board at a time.
  • When swimming in open water, never run and enter waves headfirst. Make sure the water is free of undercurrents and other hazards.
  • Be knowledgeable about first aid and be able to administer it for minor injuries, such as facial cuts, bruises, or minor tendonitis, strains, or sprains.
  • Be prepared for emergency situations and have a plan to reach medical personnel to treat injuries such as concussions, dislocations, elbow contusions, wrist or finger sprains, and fractures.