Seniors and Exercise
Did you know that only 10% of Indians older than 65 years exercise on a regular basis? Or that it’s never too late to benefit from a regular exercise program?
A safe, effective exercise program can help reduce some of the pain as well as the progression of conditions associated with aging. For example:
- Keeping active and exercising helps you maintain your ability to walk, which is especially important to maintain your independence.
- Exercise can improve your physical & mental strength, endurance, and flexibility.
- Exercise can improve balance and posture, reducing your risk of falling.
Just 30 minutes a day of physical activity will help improve your health and quality of life. It will keep your joints and connective tissues more flexible. Exercise can even help slow the progression of osteoporosis. Researchers have also found a link between regular exercise and improved immune response. During moderate exercise, immune cells circulate more quickly through your body and are better at destroying viruses and bacteria.
If you’re older than 65 years, start your exercise program slowly. Talk to our team at A+ clinic about what you should and shouldn’t do. Doctor at A+ clinic who can help you tailor a program to your own level of ability and needs. Most older people can take part in a moderate exercise program, even if you are 85 years and older or have illnesses or disabilities.
Tips for Exercising
Here are some tips for starting and maintaining a safe and effective exercise program.
- Warm up before you do any exercises.
- Don’t do too much too fast. Begin any activity in short sessions. Try walking 500 yards or once around a track at first. Gradually, as your body adapts, you can add more distance.
- Practice improving your balance by standing on one foot while you dust or brush your teeth.
- Wear the right kind of athletic shoes with good support and comfort.
Exercise Safely
- Don’t exercise when you have a cough, fever, cold or flu. But don’t let a temporary illness put a permanent stop to your exercising. Resume your activities as soon as you can.
- After an illness, start your exercise program at the beginning again. Don’t immediately take up where you had stopped. Your body needs time to recover and rebuild. Consult a physician even if your illness is minor.
- Be alert to air quality if you go out for jog or work out at a gymnasium. Exercise at less-crowded times during the cold and flu season. Exercise outdoors whenever weather permits.
- If you live near an enclosed shopping mall, consider becoming a mall walker. Many malls open before the stores do and allow people to walk around. This allows you to exercise even if the weather is bad.
- Eat smaller meals, but eat more frequently during the day.
- Drink plenty of water. Your body needs more fluid when you exercise. Don’t wait until you are thirsty to drink. Be sure to check with your physician. Some health conditions require restricted fluid Intake like kidney disorder.
Types of Exercise
- Choose activities that you enjoy and can do regularly.
- Practice yoga Seniors who practice yoga have fewer falls and less fear of falling. These classes can also increase self-confidence and improve body balance.
Exercises For Persons 60 Years and Older
Exercise builds strong bones and slows the progress of osteoporosis. It also tones your muscles and helps you move about more easily by keeping joints, tendons and ligaments more flexible.
You should engage in weightbearing exercises, such as walking, jogging, hiking, climbing stairs, and weight training.