A total of 30 subjects were recruited in the study including both genders (male and female) who was suffering from low back pain for more than 2 weeks, the participants attended 2 sessions, during session 1, vas and quality of life. i.e., pre reading were taken and the participant were introduced with the 5 plank… activities to ensure that they could perform all activities using a proper posture or form and instructed to do all the plank exercises at home for three weeks, second session after 3 weeks vas and quality of life i.e., post reading is taken to find out the effectiveness of plank exercise in low back pain. The Result showed significant effect of plank exercise in low back pain based on the effective treatment given to subjects. The plank exercise strengthens the core, enables proper musculature and brings significant changes in proper alignment and posture along with strength to bring down pain, improve quality of life.
A total of 30 subjects were recruited including both genders ( male and female) who meets inclusion and exclusion criteria, were suffering from low back pain more than 3 months, and subjects received one session of ESWT (1000 shocks) and outcome variables were recorded before, immediately after treatment and after third day and seventh day… the result showed a significant improvement on pain relief and improvement of disability measures and has less sustained effect on ROM of lumbar spine which was measured using NPRS, oswestery low back pain disability questionnaire and modified schober’s test.
A total of 30 subjects were recruited in the study including both genders (male and female) who was suffering from low back pain for more than 2 weeks, the participants attended 2 sessions, during session 1, vas and quality of life i.e., pre reading were taken and the participant were introduced…With the 5 plank activities to ensure that they could perform all activities using a proper posture or form and instructed to do all the plank exercises at home for three weeks, second session after 3 weeks vas and quality of life i.e., post reading is taken to find out the effectiveness of plank exercise in low back pain. The Result showed significant effect of plank exercise in low back pain based on the effective treatment given to subjects. The plank exercise strengthens the core, enables proper musculature and brings significant changes in proper alignment and posture along with strength to bring down pain, improve quality of life.
For active flexibility; sit & reach test (SRT) and the passive straight leg raise (PSLR) test, for passive flexibility. N= 45 individuals were evaluated for hamstring flexibility. Interventions were given using foam roller (4mins for 3days), cupping therapy (7 mins for 3 days) and passive stretching (3 times with 30 seconds hold for 5 days)… one-way ANOVA in the follow-up analysis of three groups has shown variation for AKE (p value = 0.013*), for PSLR (p value = 0.019*). In parallel analysis using unpaired t test – post intervention analysis, SRT has shown better result for SMFR versus SS (p= 0.018), AKE has shown better result for SS versus CTh (p=0.043), and PSLR has shown better result for CTh versus SMFR (p=0.02); follow-up analysis , SRT has shown better result for SMFR versus SS (p=0.04), and SMFR versus CTh (p=0.012), AKE has shown better results for SMFR versus SS (p= 0.045 ), and SMFR versus CTh (p=0.0035 ), PSLR has shown better results for CTh versus SMFR (p= 0.004), and SS versus SMFR (p= 0.025)