Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure performed by arthroscopy surgeons, for diagnosing and providing the treatment for joint problems.
In the keyhole procedure, a small telescope is placed inside the joint through an incision, to view and assess different parts of the joint for detecting, treating any joint problem and even repair various types of joint damage. Additional tiny incisions may be required for inserting pencil-thin surgical instruments that are used during the procedure.
It is can be performed as a day care procedure without requiring the patient to stay overnight in the hospital. The procedure entails making very small puncture, leading to faster recovery, allowing quicker return to work and normal life. Arthroscopy has today, been adopted by the orthopaedic surgeons, as the most commonly performed Orthopaedic procedure all over the world. In fact, in many situations, the arthroscopy surgery in Delhi has been able to address joint related problems better than the open surgery.
As best arthroscopy surgeons in Delhi, we perform best arthroscopy in Delhi on all major joints like knee, hip, ankle, shoulder, elbow, wrist, small joints of hands and feet and now also for soft tissue problems like tendinitis and tendon repair. It is also used for accurate joint reconstruction in cases of fracture involving joints and reduces the time to recovery after fracture.
Arthroscopy surgery is required when a person suffers a persistent joint problem like clicking, locking, giving away, instability, swelling, arthritis and a situation led by fracture.
Some of the conditions in the joints of various parts of the body, where Arthroscopy performed by our #1 arthroscopic surgeons in Delhi, has proved to be very effective are:
Recurrent shoulder dislocation and instability, rotator cuff tear, labral tear, subacromial impingement or spurring, collar bone joint arthritis with spur, rheumatoid arthritis
Anterior cruciate and posterior cruciate ligament injury, multi ligament injury, meniscal injury, cartilage injury, kneecap instability, synovitis, lose body, arthritis, cyst, fracture reduction
Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI), Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis (PVNS), lose body, labral tear
Football ankle, lose body, cyst, avascular necrosis, synovitis, impingement, infection
Tennis elbow, loose body, fracture of radial head, synovitis, impingement, osteophyte formation, instability
Triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) tear, synovitis, avascular necrosis, ligament tear, instability, arthritis
Loose body removal, synovitis, fracture fixation
Tendinitis, synovitis and tendon pathology
Shoulder Arthroscopy
Knee Arthroscopy